Strategic Plan

2018 Strategic Plan – Inspire learners to be responsible, confident and successful!

The Board of Education adopted their Strategic Plan after undertaking a stakeholder driven Strategic Planning Process. This process ran from April through early June 2018 before being formally adopted in July 2018. The Strategic Planning Team developed our Mission, Vision, Core Values and Strategic Goals. 

Minooka CCSD 201 Mission Statement – Inspire learners to be responsible, confident and successful.

Minooka CCSD 201 Core Values:

  • Collaboration
  • Engagement
  • Equity
  • Innovation
  • Perseverance
  • Respect
  • Safety

Minooka CCSD 201 Vision Statement:

Personal success and well-being will be evidenced when learners are:

  • Responsible and accountable for their own learning and demonstrate readiness for the next level of learning.
  • Provided with supports and opportunities to develop skills, attitudes, and behaviors that lead to strong character, well-being, citizenship, and future workplace success.
  • Committed to extend their learning beyond the classroom by connecting, creating, communicating, collaborating, and problem solving.
  • Guided by effective educators who engage and challenge learners through innovative, real world applications and see collaboration as fundamental to teaching and learning.
  • Supported by families and a community who are actively engaged as advocates for individual and collective educational excellence.
  • Provided with appropriate and equitable resources necessary to reach their potential.

Strategic Plan Long-Range Goals and Aligned Strategies

Long-Range Goal Aligned Strategies for Improvement
Demonstrate continuous improvement in student growth and achievement.



·      Further the district’s curriculum vision by assuring program and curriculum consistency and coherence.



·      Utilize best instructional practices and technology to extend learning opportunities within and beyond the classroom.


·      Personalize learning to enable each student to be responsible and accountable for their learning results.


Cultivate a safe, engaging, authentic learning environment that promotes student confidence and growth.



·      Improve the district’s MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) to close achievement gaps and provide a coherent continuum of supports responsive to the needs of all learners



·      Develop and implement tools and strategies for assessing and addressing student social and emotional knowledge, skills, and behaviors.


Support a positive and productive working environment in which student-focused staff are engaged, collaborative, innovative and accountable.



·      Maintain and improve meaningful and collaborative relationships between the schools to make transitions (elementary to intermediate, to middle, and to high) for students seamless and successful.



·      Construct and utilize a PK-8 data indicator system to enhance data analysis, progress monitoring, and reporting.


·      Promote a district-wide culture focused on staff competencies and expectations that fosters collaboration, collective responsibility, satisfaction, and shared accountability.

Strengthen family and community engagement, communication, and collaboration to support student success.



·      Identify and implement effective tools and strategies to improve family and community communication, engagement, input, and satisfaction.
Ensure stakeholder trust and confidence through effective and efficient operations and stewardship of facility and financial resources. ·      Proactively manage and forecast district resources in an open, transparent, and responsible manner.



·      Ensure effective operations of district systems through continuous improvement principles.



Strategic Plan Process, April – June 2018