Lead Testing Results – Public Act 099-0922
Minooka Elementary and Minooka Primary Center Families,
Last year the Illinois Legislature passed Public Act 099-0922, which requires that all schools built before the year 1987 must be tested for lead in the water by December 31, 2017. Minooka CCSD 201 had all mandated water sources at Minooka Elementary School and Minooka Primary Center analyzed by an Illinois EPA accredited lab in late 2017. We are very pleased to report that the results of the testing indicate that all of our drinking fountain water sources are below 2 ppb (parts per billion). Custodial wash basins and bathroom sinks were exempted from testing.
At Minooka Primary Center, only two classrooms had any elevated levels in the sinks and two other workroom areas were identified: Room 103, Room 106, Room 109 and Room 124. None of these fixtures are used for drinking water. The results are linked below.
At Minooka Elementary School, a number of classroom sinks throughout our school building were identified to have levels above 5 parts per billion. These fixtures are not a primary drinking source and have been mainly used for cleaning and hand washing. The testing protocol required two samples from each location. The results and locations can be found in the Minooka Elementary Lead Testing Results document, which is linked below. The first number is the initial sample and the second number is the sample taken thirty seconds later.
All of these sink locations have been turned off and are not in use at the current time. We will begin using mitigation strategies provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Future readings will be taken following the mitigation strategies to ensure reduction has been achieved at each location. For more information, please visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Website: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water
To summarize, none of the drinking fountains throughout our schools has any elevated level of lead. All classroom sinks identified have been disabled and mitigation strategies have already begun. We will update our community with the results of mitigation strategies as they become known. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.
Dr. Kristopher Monn
Superintendent of Schools
Minooka CCSD 201