
Minooka CCSD 201 eLearning Plan

eLearning Days Guidance

  • eLearning Days due to inclement weather will be relayed through the district’s notification system, Remind 101 texts, district website, phone calls, the district’s Facebook page, and local TV/radio stations.
  • eLearning Days will take place on the day of inclement weather with students having 2 school days following the eLearning day to complete the activities and assignments. Assignments will be due at the start of school on the third school day following the eLearning Day.
  • If consecutive day cancellations are needed, the first two days will be eLearning Days, and the following days after will become emergency days off. (IE: If we have a blizzard and are out for four days in a row, the first two days will be eLearning days.  The last two days will be emergency days added to the end of the school year).
  • Students’ attendance will be determined by their completion of assignments or activities. Evidence of completion will be specified by the classroom teacher. Incomplete or missing work will be assigned the appropriate grade if applicable and will result in an unexcused absence.
  • eLearning will be asynchronous learning for students.  Live instruction will not be required on eLearning days.
  • Teachers will post contact information and assignments/learning targets by 9 am. Teachers will host virtual office hours from 9:00am - 2:00pm over the course of the eLearning day. Digital office hours can be conducted via email, Google Chat, Google Classroom, or Schoology but not via social media. If a two-hour delay is called first before a decision to close, then assignments must be posted by 10:00am with teachers’ virtual office hours 10:00am-2:00pm.  
  • Classroom teachers and special education teachers will work together to ensure that work is appropriate and accommodations are made for students with special needs.  

eLearning Procedure For Parents

Activities and Assignments

  • All activities and assignments will be posted in PowerSchool Schoology, Google Classroom, or Seesaw by 9:00am (or 10:00am in the event of a late start that becomes an ELearning Day).
  • Activities and assignments will total approximately 5 hours of total time (inclusive of activity, reflection, and collection or completion of evidence).
  • eLearning will be asynchronous learning for students.  Live instruction will not be required on eLearning days.

Virtual Office Hours

  • Teachers will hold virtual office hours from 9:00am-2:00pm.  Instructions for how to contact the teacher will be listed with the assignment in PowerSchool Schoology, Google Classroom, or Seesaw . Teachers will be working online at this time and will be responsive to questions as quickly as feasible.  Parents can expect to receive responses to questions from their teacher within approximately 30-40 minutes or sooner.


  • Attendance will be counted based on assignment or activity completion.
  • Evidence of completion of assignments or activities are due on the 3rd school day after return.  
  • Students’ attendance will be determined by their completion of assignments and/or activities.  Evidence of completion will be specified by the teacher. (completed assignment, parent email, etc) Incomplete or missing work will be assigned the appropriate grade (if applicable) and will result in an unexcused absence.